About this Blog

I was doing some family history research, and got tired of finding sites that offered a search, and then asked for cash before providing the full results. Fortunately I found many good FREE sites out there. On this site I will share those free sources, and offer a few tips and some lessons learned.

Canada Census

Free Canadian Census Data

YearRegionSourceName SearchTranscribedOriginal Image
1825Lower CanadaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesNoYes
1831Lower CanadaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesYes
1842Canada EastLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Canada WestLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Lower CanadaFamily SearchYesYesYes
Upper CanadaFamily SearchYesYesYes
1851 (1852)New BrunswickAutomated GenealogyYesYesYes
Canada East and Canada WestAutomated GenealogyYesYesYes
Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova ScotiaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
1861Canada East, Canada West, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova ScotiaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
OntarioFamily SearchYesYesNo
1870ManitobaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
1871CanadaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
OntarioLibrary and Archives CanadaYesYesNo
1881CanadaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
1891CanadaLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
1901CanadaAutomated GenealogyYesYesYes
Library and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
1906Northwest ProvincesAutomated GenealogyYesYesYes
Library and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
1911CanadaAutomated GenealogyYesYesYes
Library and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
1916Prairie ProvincesLibrary and Archives CanadaYesNoYes
Family SearchYesYesNo
1921CanadaAncestry (FREE)YesYesYes

Where are the more recent census records?
Canadian census records are released 92 calendar years after the taking of a census.